January 4, 2022 Chaotic hardcore band DEAF CLUB celebrate new album with sick live band performance video (viewer discretion is advised)
December 20, 2021 Peru violent dark punks PUS premiere new split with SxFxCx, share vicious new cover of NIRVANA’s “Negative Creep”!
November 15, 2021 French grindcore veterans BLOCKHEADS unveil new album “Trip to the Void” – listen here!
October 25, 2021 Grind and powerviolence infused metallic hardcore act BURN ALIVE rip hard with new EP “Exercise Your Right To Die”
October 19, 2021 Tor Johnson Records celebrates 20th Anniversary with new subscription series (feat. The Body, Into It. Over It, No Trigger, Thou, Dikembe, and more)
October 15, 2021 DEAF CLUB grace us with more chaotic hardcore in their new video for “Don’t Forget to Live”
October 14, 2021 Mathcore trio PUPIL SLICER share new video for “Collective Unconscious”; tour dates coming up
October 13, 2021 BONE TOWER conjure a truly chaotic and crushing debut EP; new monstrous single “Mangled Wounds” streaming!
October 8, 2021 Ska/grind crossover band CORRUPT VISION cover SPAZZ, INFEST and more on “Obligatory Cover EP”
October 7, 2021 SEEYOUSPACECOWBOY share new song “Intersecting Storylines To The Same Tragedy”, feat. Aaron Gillespie
October 1, 2021 NSFW: Bergen thrashin’ old school metal punks SVARTPØNK teasing new album with ugly new video “Brune Auge”
September 24, 2021 Vegan death / grind guerrillas BLOODMOUTH unleash brand new ripper “Copcrocalypse”
September 22, 2021 SEEYOUSPACECOWBOY announce new album “The Romance Of Affliction”; share new single “Misinterpreting Constellations’’
September 10, 2021 Blackened Sludge Bringers MASTIFF premiere new LP “Leave Me The Ashes Of The Earth”
August 27, 2021 SLANG: “Skilled Rhythm Kills” album of Japanese hardcore legends gets a proper re-release on its 20th anniversary
August 24, 2021 Grindcore / powerviolence trio ESCUELA GRIND teasing new release with new song & video “That Which Does Not Bend Must Break”
August 11, 2021 All 13 albums by seminal visionary metal band TODAY IS THE DAY available now for streaming!
August 9, 2021 Chaotic hardcore band DEAF CLUB share wild new video for “For a Good Time, Call Someone Else”; WATCH HERE!
August 4, 2021 FULL OF HELL share new vicious track and disturbing music video “Industrial Messiah Complex”
July 6, 2021 Ridiculous in structure, technicality, chugs and screams – Zegema Beach Records presents: WRECK OF THE MINOTAUR
June 30, 2021 EASTWOOD unleash a maelstrom of furious, blasting grindcore; share 12 bands for fans of blastbeats!
June 25, 2021 Philadelphia vicious grind punks HIRS release a massive “THE THIRD 100 SONGS” collection!