February 27, 2018 Experimental act EULOGY explores different facets of recovery through a striking new record
February 19, 2018 Post hardcore band EASY PREY prove their multifaceted worth on their debut full length “Teeth”
November 21, 2017 Barcelona based noise rock / post hardcore act LULLAVY delivers a compulsively listenable, organic record Ruina!
November 17, 2017 New Stockholm screamo act BARABBAS, DU FÖRTAPPADE streaming debut EP; offer track-by-track commentary
November 13, 2017 “La Fine degli Uomini Faro” – new record from post rockish screamo band RADURA takes you by the heart and lifts you away!
October 18, 2017 Florida noise rock infused punks VACANCY share thoughts on their new frenzied EP Empty Head
September 21, 2017 “Slowlife” LP showcases Stuttgart punk rockers HELL & BACK at their boldest and brightest!
September 10, 2017 Coventry emotive post hardcore act METEORS THE ENTIRE NIGHT treads familiar grounds with their debut EP
August 30, 2017 STOLEN KIDNEYS – Finnish DIY hardcore band discuss Oulu punk scene; offer track-by-track commentary for their new record!